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  • Author imageStephan Lendi

'Behind the Keynote' with Stephan Lendi

Updated: Feb. 18

The talk format that tells the personal stories of keynote speakers!

The format focuses primarily on the personal stories that have made our keynote speakers the experts they are today. From neuro-leadership expert Wolfgang Walter Wulle to customer excellence specialist Sara Zehnder and AI expert Roger Basler de Roca - discover the impressive personalities behind the keynotes. 

A spectrum of topics & emotions 

  • Lisa Boje: The cheerful Rhineland native laughs as she shares her nightmare of crossing the Atlantic by sailing boat with her family. 

  • Klaus Affholderbach: The physicist recounts how he learned of an airplane accident on his first day at Skyguide air traffic control. 

  • Lorenz Wenger: Business diving instructor who demonstrates the importance of exploring new waters. 

  • Marcus Selzer: The keynote speaker who focuses on people, especially sales personalities.

Production in TV quality

The TV-quality production, designed by Andy W. Bohli of Imaculix AG and produced in the studios of Content Park Operations - the studio design not only lends the format visual elegance, but also emphasizes the content quality and expertise of the protagonists. Special thanks go to Stefano Perversi from Content Park Operations, who sees 'Behind the Keynote' as an exciting story and emotional journey in front of and behind the scenes.  

"An opportunity for keynote speakers to show a completely different side of themselves and step out of their comfort zone. "Marcus Selzer

A highlight not only for audience members, but also for agencies and end customers. Marcus Selzer, President of the GSA Swiss Section, emphasizes: "An opportunity for keynote speakers to show a completely different side of themselves and step out of their comfort zone."


The preparation in the interview training with Stephan Lendi at an event organized by the German Speakers Association GSA helped to ensure that each episode was an authentic and unique experience.

We are proud to announce that 'Behind the Keynote' is going into the next round this summer! Sebastian Weidmann from Newbury Media & Communications is available for interested keynote speakers (📧

Look forward to more captivating stories and inspiring personalities!

Broadcast teaser "Behind the Keynote" Season 1

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